Virtual (Online) 1-Day Standard 11 (S11) – Experienced Entrant or Refresher –  Generic Coal Induction (GI) – Surface

Online - 1-Day Experienced Entrant / Refresher - Standard 11 Generic Coal Induction - Surface

$495.00 (1 Day)
$495.00 (1 Day)

About this course

Online - 1-Day Experienced Entrant / Refresher - Standard 11 Generic Coal Induction - Surface


1-Day Online Real-Time Course - Experienced Entrant or Refresher

Standard 11 is a mandated skill set of 6 nationally accredited units of competencies required for an individual to work on a coal mine in Queensland; it must be refreshed every 5 years.

WorkSafe Connect delivers the Standard 11 (S11) Generic Surface Induction Course online & virtually via real-time video led training. Regardless of location, the student can take advantage of this delivery method as long as they have access to the technology requirements (set out in Course Delivery below).

Our trainer supports the student throughout the course (including reviewing and marking assessments in real-time via the online Learner Portal) and the student will be interacting with other class members (like in a normal classroom).

This 1-day condensed course is designed for those who have previous resources industry experience or those who wish to refresh their previous Standard 11 accreditation in a trainer-supported environment (as opposed to a self-paced online course with limited-to-no trainer interaction).

To be eligible to attend the 1-day course:

  • Complete and submit the ‘Experienced Entrant Form’ (details below)
  • Supply at least one item of evidence to prove work on a resources industry site for at least 3 months in the last 5 years.
  • Note, a resources industry site includes mining (both coal & metalliferous) and associated refineries, oil & gas and quarrying; the site experience can be from any site in Australia (not just Queensland).

Our custom-designed course does not require any pre-course study or post-course evidence. The program includes a combination of theory questions (multiple choice and short answer) as well as various real-life & simulated practical activities that reflect current industry trends.

Students who successfully complete the assessments will be issued with a Statement of Attainment at course completion. The accreditation awarded is RIISS00034 Surface Coal Mine Safety Skill Set, which covers the following 6 units of competency:

  • RIICOM201E - Communicate in the workplace
  • RIIGOV201E - Comply with site work processes/procedures
  • RIIWHS201E - Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
  • RIIRIS201E - Conduct local risk control
  • RIIERR205D - Apply initial response First Aid
  • RIIERR302E - Respond to local emergencies and incidents

WorkSafe Connect has been delivering induction programs for over 15 years and is one of Queensland’s leading suppliers of the Standard 11 (S11) Generic Coal Surface Induction. We look forward to supporting our students to achieve their accreditation.

Available Dates

Online Training

Be guided by our expert trainers conveniently at your workplace or home.

7:30am – 4:00pm 28th February 2025

7:30am – 4:00pm 6th March 2025

7:30am – 4:00pm 10th March 2025

7:30am – 4:00pm 17th March 2025

7:30am – 4:00pm 24th March 2025

Do you prefer Face to Face Training?

WorkSafe Connect offers face to face training throughout Queensland.


Course Details

This condensed 1-day course, with its reduced training timeframe, refreshes key knowledge and skills that are required to work on a surface coal mine site in Queensland.

The 'Recognised Standard 11 – Training in Coal Mines' was issued by the Queensland Department of Resources and outlines the required national units of competency. The course addresses these requirements and covers the following key topics:

  • Introduction to Coal Mining and Legislation
  • Fitness for Work and Behaviours
  • Risk Management
  • Health and Safety
  • Emergency Awareness
  • Apply Initial Response First Aid
  • Equipment Safety

In addition to safety, our course provides students with an overview of life working on a coal mine.

Industry Experience

This course is designed for students who have previous resources industry experience (including those who currently work on a coal mine and need to refresh their Standard 11 accreditation). The course timeframe has been reduced to account for students’ prior knowledge & skills.

To be eligible, you must be able to provide evidence of at least 3 months work experience on a resources industry site in the last 5 years.

If you do not have the required evidence or do not have resources industry experience, you should attend the 2-day Standard 11 program.

Basic Computer Skills

Given the course is delivered via Zoom and assessments are completed via our online Learner Portal, this online course is suitable for students who have at least a basic level of computer literacy.

Our Standard 11 online training will be conducted online & virtually via real-time video led training. The course is delivered via Zoom, with assessments and activities completed via our online Learner Portal (meaning assessments are marked in real-time by the trainer and the student is supported throughout the course).

Please find below a list of the key technology arrangements you will need for Standard 11 online training:

  • Computer (desktop or laptop or tablet; it cannot be completed on a mobile phone)
  • Webcam
  • Headphones (incl. microphone) or computer audio system
  • Reliable internet connection
  • Ensure your web browser is up-to-date
  • Quiet room with limited background noise

While WorkSafe Connect offers this is a public course, we can also arrange client-only courses for a group on a day and time that suits. Please get in contact with a member of the WorkSafe Connect team and we'll be more than happy to discuss flexible options that best meet your requirements.

There is no pre-course study or post-course requirements.

Students who successfully complete all assessments and activities throughout the course will be issued with a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for RIISS00034 Surface Coal Mine Safety Skill Set. The Skill Set contains the following units of competency.

  • RIICOM201E - Communicate in the workplace
  • RIIGOV201E - Comply with site work processes/procedures
  • RIIWHS201E - Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
  • RIIRIS201E - Conduct local risk control
  • RIIERR205D - Apply initial response First Aid
  • RIIERR302E - Respond to local emergencies and incidents

Under the Queensland Coal Mining Regulations, competency must be refreshed at least once every 5 years.

If you have any questions about the Standard 11 (S11) Generic Induction course and whether it is suitable for you, please get in touch with a member of the WorkSafe Connect team today.

Basic computer skills:

Students must have a basic level of computer skills - this ensures the course runs to time and the focus is on the course content rather than computer skills training.

To be eligible to attend a virtual course, you must complete a short assessment via our online Learner Portal at least 1 day prior to course commencement.

The assessment covers hardware and software setup as well as providing a basic understanding of Zoom and Learner Portal navigation.

Any student who has not successfully completed this 'Online Course Suitability Test' by course commencement will not be admitted to the course.

If you book and pay for the course via our website and it is determined you are not suitable for the virtual course delivery, you will be offered the face-to-face program. Alternatively, you may also request a refund prior to course commencement.

Evidence of previous experience:

Prior to course commencement, you will need to submit the “Experienced Entrant Form” and provide at least one item of evidence the proves at least 3 months work on a resources industry site in the last 5 years.

A resources industry site includes mining (both coal & metalliferous) and associated refineries, oil & gas and quarrying; the site experience can be from any site in Australia (not just Queensland).

We offer you two ways of submitting this form and evidence, please only choose one (1) option. These are:

  • Webform - Please click here to complete the online form. This form is supported on all devices and you will need to upload the evidence before submitting.
  • PDF - Please click here, complete the form and submit to us via email at Ensure you attach your evidence to the email.

If you do not have the required evidence or do not have resources industry experience, you should attend the 2-day Standard 11 program.

You are welcome to book and pay for the course via our website and then submit the form & evidence in the following day / days. If it is determined you are not eligible for the 1-day program (based on the evidence provided), you will be offered the 2-day program and a gap fee will be payable. Alternatively, you may also request a refund prior to course commencement.

Please ensure you bring your USI (unique student identifier) number with you – click here for more information about USI’s.

In addition to the technology requirements outlined above (click here), you will also need to ensure you have the following items available for use during the course for the practical assessment simulations:

  • Bin / bucket
  • Tea towel / small blanket
  • Gloves
  • Glasses
  • Bandage
  • A mobile phone
  • Blank paper

Frequently Asked Questions


WorkSafe Connect offers online real-time video-led training to ensure students who reside outside of Queensland can complete the course requirements and achieve a Statement of Attainment prior to coming to Queensland.

The Standard 11 (S11) is the recognised training standard associated with the Queensland Coal Mining industry. The specific legislation relating to this Standard is the Coal Mining Safety & Health Act 1999 and the Coal Mine Safety and Health Regulations 2001.

Currency of your Standard 11 relates to when you completed either your initial training course or a refresher – i.e., if you completed your Standard 11 training 3 years ago then your Standard 11 remains current.

As set out in the Recognised Standard, each coal mine worker must hold the Standard 11 qualification and this qualification must then be refreshed under the mine training scheme at least once in every five years.

If you do require a refresher of your Standard 11, WorkSafe Connect offers a 1-day Standard 11 (S11) training course. Full details can be found by clicking on the following link:

5 years.

As set out in the ‘Recognised Standard 11 – Training in Coal Mines’ issued by the Queensland Department of Resources, each coal mine worker must hold the Standard 11 qualification (i.e., 6 units of competency) and this must be refreshed under the mine training scheme at least once in every five years.

While the national units of competency associated with the Standard 11 (S11) do not expire (similar to other competencies like CPR), your accreditation must be refreshed in order to continue to legally work on a Queensland coal mine.

If you do require a refresher of your Standard 11, WorkSafe Connect offers a 1-day Standard 11 (S11) training course. Full details can be found by clicking on the following link:


The Standard 11 induction program is recognised and accepted across most coal mines and locations in Queensland. Once you successfully complete the program, you will receive a statement of attainment, which is a portable qualification valid throughout the state's coal mining industry.

The main exception is BMA mine sites as they often have their own induction process. If you are heading to a BMA mine site, we recommend you contact the BMA mine site regarding their entry requirements prior to enrolling in this course.

If you have any questions regarding what course is the right one for you then please call us and we will be happy to work with you to make sure the course is suitable for your requirements.


Although some RTOs only issue statements of completion, WorkSafe Connect will issue a new Statement of Attainment for the six units of competency as the requirements of Recognised Standard 11 Surface- Training in Coal Mines.

This will be valid for a further 5 years until their next refresher period.

WorkSafe Connect’s Online Training is live, real-time trainer-led delivered in an interactive online environment.

Our online training is the same great learning experience that our face-to-face training is known for, just delivered differently. By way of overview of what our online training involves:

  • They are real-time video-led sessions where our trainer presents to the group and guides the students through the activities and assessments.
  • It is delivered via the Zoom or Microsoft Teams platform, which allows students to interact with the other students as well as the trainer (including break out rooms for group discussions).
  • Students complete their assessments and activities via our online web-based Learner Portal. The trainer marks the assessments throughout the session and assists students who need to reattempt questions that were incorrect.
  • In order to complete the virtual session, students need to have access to a computer or laptop (not a tablet), webcam, headphones and reliable internet.
  • Students complete the course requirements during the session and are issued their certificate soon after if they successfully completed their assessments.

Many participants have commented that they actually prefer this delivery method to traditional face-to-face as we limit our class sizes and there are numerous ways in which to interact within the session.

To participate, participants are required to be connected to the internet via desktop computer or a laptop device with a camera, microphone and headphones. Please see the Course Delivery section for full details of what you require.

If you would like to discuss delivery options in more detail, then please get in contact with us and we would be more than happy to discuss your requirements and options with you.
