Queensland Government Accepts Recommendations for Enhancing Workplace Health and Safety

Queensland Government Accepts Recommendations for Enhancing Workplace Health and Safety

8 May 2023

The Queensland Government has recently accepted all 31 recommendations from an independent review of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act). The review report, which was conducted to clarify and enhance the existing frameworks and ensure their effectiveness, has been published along with the Government's response.

The review report's main recommendations aim to elevate the role of health and safety representatives (HSRs) in the workplace, clarify the rights of HSRs and worker representatives, and streamline dispute resolution procedures. The report also includes 55 sub-recommendations that address these issues in greater detail.

A key finding from the review highlighted that safety outcomes improve when workers are empowered to have an active role in safety and when there is high levels of cooperation between workers and employers. However, the review also noted the need for more education on the rights of HSRs and worker representatives to ensure their effectiveness.

To implement the majority of the recommendations, it is expected that an amendment Bill will be introduced later this year. The Bill will also include amendments to address recommendations made by an earlier national review of the model work health and safety laws.

The changes proposed in the review report have the potential to enhance the safety and wellbeing of workers, leading to more productive and successful businesses.

WorkSafe Connect has been delivering workplace health and safety training for over 15 years and is one of Queensland’s leading suppliers of HSR training courses. We offer this program in Townsville, Brisbane and Onsite and focus on delivering engaging and practical training and is an approved provider of this course on behalf of the Queensland Government (Workplace Health and Safety Queensland).

For more information regarding our HSR Training - Health and Safety Representative visit www.worksafeconnect.com/courses/health-and-safety-representative-queensland

Read more about the review and amendments to the WHS Act or visit worksafe.qld.gov.au
