Welcome TAE 2016 - ASQA sets new course in motion
11 Apr 2019
In early April 2016, ASQA (Australian Skills and Quality Authority) announced that the current TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment will be superseded by TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
ASQA has outlined that this change has been driven by industry to ensure that all Registered Training Organisations (RTO’s) approved to deliver this qualification are continually meeting high standards.
The key updates include an extension in the minimum time required to undertake the qualification, which now includes new core units comprising of TAELLN411 Addressing Adult Language Literacy and TAEASS502 Design and develop assessment tools. We note that these units currently form part of the selection of electives that can be taken as part of this qualification.
RTO’s will have until October 2017 to transition learners to the new TAE qualification and all RTO’s wanting to deliver this program will have to have their new course approved by ASQA.
WorkSafe Connect is developing our TAE to meet the new requirements needed and over the coming months we will keep you informed about our progress including a revised program structure.
For those students who have enrolled prior to July 2016, the TAE40110 remains valid and ASQA will advise if any upgrades will be required.
If you have any questions regarding the new course or your current status under ASQA guidelines then please feel free to get in touch with the WSC team at info@worksafeconnect.com